Illinois Cannabis Zoning Laws

Illinois Cannabis Zoning Lawyer Illinois Cannabis Zoning Laws depend greatly on the local governments that are placing “reasonable” restrictions on their community’s cannabis businesses that may operated in their jurisdictional limits. Many communities require a “special use permit” for having cannabis business operations.  Then, there are certain set-backs to that limit the distance a cannabis company may be from […]

What to Know about Good Faith or Bad Faith – an illustrated easy guide

What is good faith

The implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing is implied in every contract.  The implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing is what makes business work.  It requires people to deal with one another fairly.  Businesses and people can trust each other to enter into contracts because good faith requires them to help […]

Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act

uniform fraudulent transfer act

Effective January 1, 1990, Illinois adopted the Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act. “The purpose of the Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act is to prevent fraudulent transfers of property by a debtor who intends to defraud creditors by placing assets beyond their reach.” Zurich American Insurance Co. v. Personnel Staffing Group, LLC, 2018 IL App (1st) 172281, ¶18, 105 N.E.3d […]

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