Commercial Litigation Attorney Chicago

Chicago litigation attorneyWhen it comes to commercial litigation in Chicago, the right attorney can make all the difference for your group. Our lawyers have over 20 years of experience in commercial litigation and can help you protect your interests and achieve the best possible outcome for your case. Read on to learn more about what commercial litigation entails and how to choose the right attorney for your needs.

What is commercial litigation?

Commercial litigation is a legal dispute that arises between businesses and involves issues such as contracts, intellectual property, and employment. An experienced commercial litigation attorney in Chicago can help you understand your legal rights, protect your interests, and achieve the best possible outcome for your case.

Some of the most common types of commercial litigation include breach of contract, non-payment, intellectual property infringement, wrongful termination, and discrimination. To choose the right attorney for your case in Chicago, ask for referrals from friends or colleagues and schedule consultations to discuss their experience and approach to litigation.


Breach of contract and remedies:

If one party fails to fulfill their obligations under a contract, it is considered a breach of contract. The non-breaching party can seek remedies such as specific performance or damages in court. Specific performance means the breaching party must fulfill the terms of the agreement as stated in the original contract.

Interpretation of contracts:

Contracts are often complex legal documents that require interpretation by attorneys. Certain terms may be unclear or ambiguous, leading to disputes between parties over what was intended by certain provisions. In these cases, an attorney can help interpret the language to determine each party’s rights and responsibilities.

Non-compete agreements:

A non-compete agreement is a contractual provision where an employee agrees not to enter into any competing business with their employer for a specific period after leaving employment. These agreements are legally binding but must meet certain criteria such as being reasonable in scope and duration. If you need assistance enforcing or challenging a non-compete agreement, an experienced commercial litigation attorney can provide guidance on your next steps.

Intellectual property

Protecting your intellectual property is crucial to the success of your business.

Protecting your intellectual property is crucial to the success of your business. Copyright infringement, patent disputes, and trademark infringement can all have a significant impact on your bottom line.

If you are facing an intellectual property issue, it’s important to work with an experienced attorney who can help you navigate the legal process. They can advise you on whether arbitration or court would be most appropriate for your case and provide strategic guidance throughout the proceedings.

At Collateral Base Law Firm in Chicago, our office has extensive experience representing clients in intellectual property disputes. We understand that each case is unique and we work closely with our clients to develop tailored strategies that meet their individual needs. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our commercial litigation attorneys.


Discrimination claims, wage and hour disputes, and wrongful termination lawsuits are common issues in employment law. If you are a business owner in Chicago facing any of these problems, it is crucial to seek the advice of an experienced commercial litigation attorney. An attorney can help you navigate complex legal proceedings such as arbitration or court appearances to protect your interests and reach a favorable outcome for your case. At Collateral Base Law Firm, our attorneys have over 20 years of experience representing clients in employment-related matters and can provide solutions tailored to meet your specific needs.

What are the types of commercial litigation?

Commercial litigation involves legal disputes between businesses and can encompass issues such as contracts, intellectual property, and employment. Some of the most common types of commercial litigation include breach of contract, non-payment, intellectual property infringement, wrongful termination, and discrimination. It is crucial to choose a reliable commercial litigation attorney in Chicago who has experience handling cases like yours and can provide you with the best possible outcome for your case. Factors to consider when choosing an attorney may include their experience, fees, availability and approach to litigation.

Breach of contract

Breach of contract claims arise when one party fails to fulfill their obligations under a contract. To prove a breach of contract claim, the plaintiff must demonstrate that there was a valid and enforceable contract in place, that they performed their obligations under the contract, that the defendant breached the contract by failing to perform their obligations, and that damages were suffered as a result of the breach.

When it comes to damages for breach of contract, there are several types available. These include compensatory damages (to compensate for losses suffered), consequential damages (to cover losses not directly related to the breach but resulting from it), punitive damages (in cases where there was intentional misconduct or fraud), and liquidated damages (pre-determined amounts agreed upon in advance). A commercial litigation attorney can help you understand your options and pursue appropriate forms of compensation for your specific case.


Common disputes related to non-payment are a frequent occurrence in the business world, and can cause significant financial strain. Fortunately, there are legal options available for businesses that are not receiving payment owed. A commercial litigation attorney in Chicago can provide guidance on these options, which may include filing a lawsuit or seeking alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation.

To prevent non-payment disputes from arising in the first place, businesses should consider implementing strategies such as conducting credit checks on potential clients and establishing clear payment terms upfront. Maintaining open communication with clients throughout the transaction process is also crucial to ensuring timely payments. In addition, having a solid contract that clearly outlines expectations and consequences for non-payment can serve as an effective deterrent against future disputes.

  • Common Disputes Related to Non-Payment:
  • Failure to pay for goods or services received
  • Payment delays or partial payments
  • Disputed charges or invoicing errors
  • Legal Options Available:
  • Filing a lawsuit
  • Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods like mediation or arbitration
  • Strategies To Prevent Non-Payment Disputes:
  • Conducting credit checks on potential clients
  • Establishing clear payment terms upfront
  • Maintaining open communication with clients throughout the transaction process
  • Having solid contracts with clear expectations and consequences

Intellectual property infringement

Intellectual property infringement can take many forms, including patent, copyright and trademark infringement. Each type of intellectual property is protected differently under the law. To prove infringement in court, the owner of the intellectual property must show that there was a valid legal right to protection and that this right has been violated by another party without permission or compensation.

Defenses against an accusation of IP infringement include fair use, independent creation, and expiration of rights. It’s important to have a skilled commercial litigation attorney who understands these defenses as well as how to navigate complex IP laws and regulations when facing an accusation or defending against one. A qualified attorney will help you safeguard your business interests while ensuring compliance with all relevant laws and regulations related to intellectual property.

Wrongful termination

Understanding employment laws related to wrongful termination claims is crucial for business owners in Chicago. Examples of wrongful termination cases include firing an employee due to their race, religion, or gender, or because they filed a complaint about illegal activity within the company. Prevalence rates on wrongful termination cases show that these types of claims are on the rise and can result in costly lawsuits for businesses.

If you find yourself facing a wrongful termination claim, it’s important to seek legal representation from an experienced commercial litigation attorney in Chicago. An attorney can help you navigate complex employment laws and develop a strong defense strategy tailored to your specific case. With their expertise and guidance, you can work towards achieving the best possible outcome for your business.


Discrimination can come in many forms, including race, gender, and age. It is important to understand what constitutes as discriminatory behavior under the law. Discrimination occurs when someone is treated differently because of a protected characteristic such as their race or gender. If you believe you have been discriminated against, it’s important to take legal steps to protect your rights. This might include gathering evidence and contacting a commercial litigation attorney who specializes in discrimination cases to discuss possible legal actions.

How to choose a commercial litigation attorney in Chicago

When choosing a commercial litigation attorney in Chicago, it’s important to find someone who isn’t just experienced but has dealt with cases similar to yours. This ensures that they have the necessary skills and knowledge to provide effective representation. Look for an attorney who can confidently handle your type of case. Litigation includes being experienced before a judge and jury, negotiation of settlement or using the force of trial.

Researching a potential commercial litigation attorney’s reputation is also essential before hiring them. Doing so can be done by checking out their online reviews, testimonials, ratings on legal directories or even getting recommendations from trusted sources. Make sure you are comfortable with their track record before making a decision.

Choosing an attorney who has excellent communication skills is key as well since clear articulation and attentive listening are vital elements of negotiating on behalf of clients successfully. Find someone who will make sure you understand all the details and options available throughout each step of the process.


In conclusion, commercial litigation is a complex legal issue that requires the expertise of an experienced attorney. This is especially important if you are facing issues related to contracts, intellectual property, or employment. When choosing a commercial litigation attorney in Chicago, it is important to find someone who has experience and knowledge in your specific type of case.

Additionally, researching the attorney’s reputation and communication skills is crucial in ensuring you have a positive experience throughout the legal process. At Collateral Base Law Firm, we have over 20 years of experience in commercial litigation and have helped businesses achieve the best possible outcomes for their cases. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn how we can assist you with your commercial litigation needs.

Picture of Thomas Howard

Thomas Howard

Tom Howard is an experienced lawyer and the leader at Collateral Base. He has been working in law and business consulting for over 15 years and focuses on helping businesses in the cannabis industry. Tom guides them through tricky rules, helps them get licenses, and finds money for their projects. He has helped clients in several states and is a Certified Ganjier, which means he's an expert in cannabis. Tom also runs a well-known YouTube channel called "Cannabis Legalization News," where he shares updates and explains cannabis laws and industry news.

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Thomas Howard

Business Lawyer & Consultant

At Collateral Base we help clients get organized, licensed, capitalized and exert their rights in court. We have #GoodProblems

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